Designing a company logo requires some planning. First, there should be some critical thinking around the overall brand strategy for the company. What is the primary business of the company? What does the company want to be known for? Are there any physical items that directly relate to the core business that can quickly and easily be recognized? Some businesses may lend very easily to simple iconic imagery that can be used in a logo. More complex businesses may require more abstract imagery. For example, this logo created for Cece Yentzen, a singer-songwriter, include a simple visual, a guitar.

The Income Authority logo visually indicates financial success.

This logo for Allways Home Care, a company that provides a range of services, visually represents the most important aspect of those services- the caregivers. The people providing the services and supporting the well-being of the elderly clients are the most important aspect of the business.

Standing Out In Crowded Markets
A company’s competitors should be considered when designing a logo. Many companies in the same industry may choose the same iconic visuals to use in their company logos. And that’s allright, as long as the visuals are made to look unique and different.
The Allways Home Care logo shown above was introduced in a highly-competitive home care market where most companies used visual elements like roofs and houses to relate to the in-home services that are provided. The people shapes in the Allways Home Care logo, and the rounded corners of the shapes, stand out from the competition and make the company name memorable.
Careful and Purposeful Color Choices
Be careful when choosing colors for a logo. A different color than the competition will set a company apart, but color choices in and of themselves convey important information. Colors create automatic, innate feelings and responses with people. For example, blue and white are very clean colors that many medical companies use to convey sterilization and safety.
The Swan Surgical purple color was chosen to differentiate a start-up medical practice from the local competitive practices, while also representing a more regal or “royalty” feel to support the idea of Dr. Swan’s impressive credentials and board certifications vs. the other local surgeons.

The blue and orange colors for the Allways Home Care logo shown above were chosen to create a feeling of a new and different offering in a very crowded market.
For more information on logo design, brand identity, or to get a strategic logo started for your business, Let’s Talk